A Letter From Italy

Italy at war…
Rebecca Quinn comes to Italy in 1917 with her husband Jack, both foreign correspondents reporting on the Royal Australian Navy’s fight against German U-boats in the Adriatic Sea. Rebecca wants to use this opportunity to break out of the Women’s Pages and prove that women can equal male journalists in resolve and ability.
While Jack pursues a story behind enemy lines, Rebecca works with Italian-American photographer Alessandro Panucci, fighting against prejudice in a man’s world of naval warfare and cutthroat journalism. But Jack, it turns out, isn’t as supportive of her career as she had thought, and Sandro is far too attractive for her peace of mind…
From Brindisi to Venice, Rebecca struggles with her own heart as well as with the chauvinism of her time, while Sandro tries hard to remember that marriage is a sacred vow which must be respected..
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